Terrorism? WW3? Or simply, a ‘lack of love’?

With recent events; the social media going gaga, people being more scared than ever.. Some whisper the start of WW3..

What if we have been approaching terrorism the wrong way?

What if terrorism is actually just an effect with the cause being a ‘lack of love’ or a ‘lack of understanding’? (The Law of Cause & Effect)

The actions are of course to be condemned as the end doesn’t justify the means, but bear with me to see the bigger picture for a change that would last.

We have been isolating terrorists more and more instead of listening to what they are trying to say! We are reacting to their words and actions instead of listening to their ‘non words’! Their cry for help..

The terrorists are those that need love the most 🙂

Anger won’t end anger, just as war won’t win over war! The only way is love..

The only way to shift from an energy state to another is not by fighting it but by understanding it and focusing on it’s opposite! In that case, love..

Have you noticed that when someone shouts and you just smile back, they become disarmed, they become intrigued and even sometimes, smile?

As Albert Einstein once said, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

While changing a profile pictures shows a sign of solidarity, it doesn’t show action, it only shows reaction! How many more of those are going to be needed? I wonder..

Some food for thought:

“The countries on the planet that are in turmoil are simply a reflection of the mass inner turmoil of the people in those countries. If the majority of the people of any nation changed their inner selves to be consciously focused on joy and harmony instead of fighting and turmoil, the law of attraction would move governments and leaders and harmony would be restored in that country.” The Secret

You have your way and I have my way, your way obviously isn’t working, so why not try my way?

Luck is an excuse 95% of the population give for their lack of success

I am an avid believer in the Law of Cause & Effect. The Law states that for every cause there is an equal effect.

Naturally than, “If you do what 95% of the population say and do, you will get what 95% of the population get.”

And similarly, “If you do what 5% of the population say and do, you will get what 5% of the population get.”

While 95% of the population believe in luck, 5% of the population believe in perseverance.

The difference? Their Mindsets!

In order to shed some light on their different Mindsets, here are some examples of the same situation explained through their different Mindsets:

Let us start by J.K. Rowling! She is now the first billionaire writer with only one series of books.
95%: She was ‘lucky’
5%: She was persistent.

J. K. Rowling was “lucky” to have written Harry Potter (while she got rejected by 312 publishers).


Thomas Edison was “lucky” to have created the electrical light bulb (after having failed 9999 times),
Archimedes was “lucky” to have been in his bath (after 10 years of work),

You see for me success is like an iceberg where 95% of the population only see what is in front of them, (they only see the tip of the iceberg), whereas 5% of the population look at the iceberg as a whole.

The hidden part of the iceberg is all the hard work, the perseverance, the sweat, the hard times, that almost no one sees, the part that is seen is the result.
In other words, the hidden part is the cause and the seen part is the effect.
The hidden part is the seed you plant and the seen part is the bamboo.

To better illustrate my point, I am going to tell you the story of Mr/Mrs 95 and Mr/Mrs 5 ..

Mr/Mrs 95 and Mr/Mrs 5 are brothers, they came from the same mother (earth). They were born similar but life made them different.

They both lived in a deep blue sea (life), and yet they saw this same ocean differently!

Mr/Mrs 95 viewed life as a series of random events, he/she wondered around with no particular goals or rather his/her goal was to just to live by and have fun.

Mr/Mrs 5 viewed life as a series of patterns, he/she walked slowly but steadily towards his/her one goal.

Mr/Mrs 95 views life only from the seen part of the iceberg, while Mr/Mrs 5 sees the whole iceberg.

While Mr/Mrs 95 nags, blames, sleep, drink,… Mr/Mrs 5 works, works, works on his/her passion (or on finding a solution to his/her problem).

So you see, because Mr/Mrs 95 doesn’t look at the whole iceberg, he/she claims that Mr/Mrs 5 was lucky.

Because Mr/Mrs 95 doesn’t want to work hard to have what they want like Mr/Mrs 5 does, they just nag and blame the government, their situation, their luck, other people, … , and so they waste their time, drown their sorrow.

Let me tell you something, if Mr/Mrs 5 had to wait for the government, their situation to improve, etc, Thomas Edison wouldn’t have created the lamp, the wright brothers wouldn’t have invented the airplane, Michael Jordan wouldn’t be the best basketball player of all time..

Did Sir Richard Branson wait and blame? or was he pro-active to find a solution?

He had to go to Puerto Rico but his flight got cancelled last minute, what would you have done?

He didn’t wait for the airplane company, blame it on the weather, or even buy his way like most would have done, instead he took a board and wrote on it 39$ one-way ticket to Puerto Rico and he walked in the airport. He managed to gather the people that where bound to be with him on the plane and so he managed to borrow a chartered jet and off they went.

Where Sir Richard to wait, Virgin Airlines would have never seen the light.

Do you still believe in luck?

Is financial power the only standard of success in a country?

Countries all around the world base the success or failure of a country on its GDP.
I don’t think so and neither does the former king of Bhutan!

The former king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, created the Gross National Happiness (GNH) in 1972 to evaluate the Happiness of his citizens 🙂

The system that is built today, and in which we base our entire life fighting for teaches us the following:

Material Wealth = Everything

True, material wealth is an important part of our life, but do you really support the idea that a country, a company and even your personal life be judged solely by financial success or failure?

Wouldn’t you like to see countries expand their values? After all we as humans have values, we as companies have values.

My definition of success is being happy, having inner peace, sharing love and having achieved all my life goals. What if financial success is not in my top priority?

Wouldn’t you like to see introduced GNH in your country?

I go even further by suggesting Gross National Love (GNH), Gross National Peace (GNP)…

Some skeptics will say: but why do we need those evaluations for?

My reply to them is that when Jigme Singye Wangchuck created GNH, he did not only create it to keep “a score” on Happiness; but to encourage and do some research on Happiness in order to develop the country not only financially, but to develop the Happiness level as well!

Imagine if every country would start implementing this scenario of doing research on Happiness, Love..

We would be focusing on what we want, on what matters most.

But we need money for research! Yes we do, instead of investing in nuclear bombs, guns, …. we just take the finance that is for a bad cause and turn it or a great cause!

Countries should have researches to develop financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually….